What Am I Questions

What Am I Questions 1 : One Word Riddle
Difficulty ★★★★☆        Popularity ★★★★☆

There are five vowels (a, e, i, o, u) in English language.
Can you tell us a word contains of all these vowels ?

What Am I Questions 2 : Popular What Word Puzzle
Difficulty ★★☆☆☆        Popularity ★★★★☆

I know a word which reads the same when written forward, backward or upside down.

Do you ?


What Am I Questions 3 : What Are We
Difficulty ★★★☆☆        Popularity ★★★☆☆

We can be boring,
Or interesting.
We can be long,
Or short.
We can have pictures,
Or just words.
Many love us,
But many also hate us.

What are we?


What Am I Questions 4 : Very Easy Maths Picture Puzzle
Difficulty ★☆☆☆☆        Popularity ★★☆☆☆

Solve the picture puzzle by replacing the question mark with correct number ?

What Am I Questions 5 : assemble riddle
Difficulty ★★☆☆☆        Popularity ★★★☆☆

What king can you make if you take
the head of a lamb
the middle of a pig
the hind of a buffalo
and the tail of a dragon ?


What Am I Questions 6 : Easy Who Am I Riddle
Difficulty ★★☆☆☆        Popularity ★★★☆☆

I never was there, I am always to be.
You have never ever seen me, not ever you will.
Yet I am the confidence of everyone.

Who Am I ?


What Am I Questions 7 : What Word Riddle
Difficulty ★★★☆☆        Popularity ★★☆☆☆

Pronounced as one letter,
And written with three,
Two letters there are,
And two only in me.
I’m double, I’m single,
I’m black blue and gray,
I’m read from both ends,
And the same either way.

What Am I Questions 8 : Who I Am Riddle
Difficulty ★★★☆☆        Popularity ★★☆☆☆

The more you take me , the more you leave me behind.
Who Am I ?


What Am I Questions 9 : Easy What Am I Puzzle
Difficulty ★★☆☆☆        Popularity ★★☆☆☆

I can sizzle like bacon,
I am made with an egg,
I have plenty of backbone, but lack a good leg,
I peel layers like onions, but still remain whole,
I can be long, like a flagpole, yet fit in a hole.


What Am I Questions 10 : Tricky What Am I Riddle
Difficulty ★★☆☆☆        Popularity ★★☆☆☆

I am a white box having no key or any lid.
Yet there is a golden treasure inside it.

What Am I ?



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