Brilliant Riddles

Brilliant Riddles 1 : Shortest Meaningful English Sentence Puzzle
Difficulty ★★★★☆        Popularity ★★★★★

Find the smallest sentence with all the english alphabets.

Brilliant Riddles 2 : Missing Letter Riddle
Difficulty ★★★☆☆        Popularity ★★★★☆

What's the missing letter?
J ? M A M J J A S O N D


Brilliant Riddles 3 : Tricky Maths Riddle
Difficulty ★★★☆☆        Popularity ★★★★☆

I know a number which is spelled in an alphabetical order.
Do you ?


Brilliant Riddles 4 : Ramanujan Magic Number Riddle
Difficulty ★★★★★        Popularity ★★★★☆

Ramanujan discovered 1729 as a magic number.

Why 1729 is a magic number ?

Brilliant Riddles 5 : Next Number In Series
Difficulty ★★★☆☆        Popularity ★★★☆☆

What letter is next in this sequence?
M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O,__


Brilliant Riddles 6 : Cool Maths Puzzle
Difficulty ★★☆☆☆        Popularity ★★★☆☆

Divide 110 into two parts so that one will be 150 percent of the other. What are the 2 numbers?


Brilliant Riddles 7 : IAS Question
Difficulty ★★★★☆        Popularity ★★★☆☆

Can you make 10 plus 4 = 2 ?


Brilliant Riddles 8 : Which Number Am I
Difficulty ★☆☆☆☆        Popularity ★★★☆☆

I am a prime number.
Double of myself is equal to the square if myself.

which number am i ?


Brilliant Riddles 9 : January Series Puzzle
Difficulty ★★★☆☆        Popularity ★★★★☆

Find The Next Number In Series ?
100 365 24 60 ?
*Hint : Timing is everything


Brilliant Riddles 10 : Tricky Equation Puzzle
Difficulty ★★★★☆        Popularity ★★★★☆

Can you arrange four 9's and use of atmost 2 math symbols , make the total be 100?



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