Funny Hard Riddles

Funny Hard Riddles 1 : Answer This Joke Riddle
Difficulty ★★★★☆        Popularity ★★★★★

Why is 6 afraid of 7?


Funny Hard Riddles 2 : November Riddle
Difficulty ★★★☆☆        Popularity ★★★★★

A man is sitting in a pub feeling rather poor. He sees the man next to him pull a wad of £50 notes out of his wallet.
He turns to the rich man and says to him,
'I have an amazing talent; I know almost every song that has ever existed.'
The rich man laughs.
The poor man says, 'I am willing to bet you all the money you have in your wallet that I can sing a genuine song with a lady's name of your choice in it.'
The rich man laughs again and says, 'OK, how about my daughter's name, Joanna Armstrong-Miller?'
The rich man goes home poor. The poor man goes home rich.

What song did he sing?


Funny Hard Riddles 3 : Brilliant Student Puzzle
Difficulty ★★★☆☆        Popularity ★★★★★

There was once a college that offered a class on probability applied to the real world.The class was relatively easy, but there was a catch. There were no homework assignments or tests, but there was a final exam that would have only one question on it.When everyone received the test it was a blank sheet of paper with a solitary question on it: 'What is risk?'.Most students were able to pass, but only one student received 100% for the class! Even stranger was that he only wrote down one word!
What did he write?


Funny Hard Riddles 4 : Cool Riddle
Difficulty ★★★☆☆        Popularity ★★★☆☆

Imagine you are in a sinking rowboat surrounded by sharks. How would you survive?


Funny Hard Riddles 5 : IPS Interview RIDDLE
Difficulty ★★★☆☆        Popularity ★★★★★

If you had three apples and four oranges in one hand and four apples and three oranges in the other hand, what would you have?


Funny Hard Riddles 6 : Very Funny Riddle
Difficulty ★★★☆☆        Popularity ★★★★☆

A doctor and a bus driver are both in love with the same woman an attractive girl named Sarah. The bus driver had to go on a long bustrip that would last a week. Before he left he gave Sarah seven apples. Why?


Funny Hard Riddles 7 : Joke Riddle
Difficulty ★★★☆☆        Popularity ★★★☆☆

Why did the boy throw the butter out of the window?


Funny Hard Riddles 8 : Riddle Me This
Difficulty ★★☆☆☆        Popularity ★★★☆☆

What can you catch but not throw?


Funny Hard Riddles 9 : Humour Question
Difficulty ★★☆☆☆        Popularity ★★★☆☆

Why do Chinese men eat more rice than Japanese men do


Funny Hard Riddles 10 : Tricky Maths Question
Difficulty ★★☆☆☆        Popularity ★★★★☆

What do you get if you add 2 to 200 four times?



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