Hard Math Question

Hard Math Question - 13 February

A generous owner of a company decided to give a bonus of $45 to every man and $60 to every woman on his birthday. But only one ninth of the men and one twelfth of woman were present to take the bonus.

Can you calculate the amount of money the owner spent if there were 3552 employees ?

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Funny Interview Riddle

Funny Interview Riddle - 12 February

During an interview, the interviewer ordered hot coffee for the candidate to relieve the stress. The coffee was kept before him. After a minute, the interviewer asked him, 'What is before you?' He replied 'Tea'.

The candidate was selected immediately.


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Hardest Riddle Ever Made

Hardest Riddle Ever Made - 11 February

Dr. Doom invited a group of puzzle fanatics in a party which was oriented for having puzzle oriented games. At night, he introduced the guests with a 'unique riddle'. A prize was offered for the one who solved it first.

The guests included six people named Tom Paul, Fox Obama, Jeremy Reener, Alex Murphy, Prim Pastor, and Ellen Page. The winner for the 'unique riddle' contest was to be announce after the dinner. So Dr. Doom stood up and started the announcement:

'Okay now everybody!'
'The winner of…'
'The Hardest Riddle Ever Event'

But before he could complete, the light went out and his voice was not heard without the mic by anyone. But they already knew who the winner was. Can you deduce the name of the winner?

Hardest Riddle Ever Made Event Winner

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Linear Thinking Riddle

Linear Thinking Riddle - 10 February

There are four people in a house. A fireman, an athlete, an old woman and a drunk guy. The house catches fire and before the fact is known, it is too late. All they know is that the entire house is in flames and it will collapse exactly after twelve minutes. Now they can move out of the house but for that, they will have to pass the hallway which is entirely blazing with flames. Thus to move, one must carry a fire extinguisher to keep the flames away. Seeking the burnt wooden floor, only two person can run through that hallway at one time. But for others to go, one must return back with the fire extinguisher. The fireman, is trained for such tasks and can run through the hallway in a minute. The athlete can make it in a couple of minutes. The old woman can run slowly and will cover the hallway in four minutes. The drunk guy will take five minutes to run through it. If all of them can make it through the hallway in twelve minutes, all of them will be saved. When two move together, they will run with the speed of the slower one.

How will all four of them manage to run to safety?

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Hard Who Am I Riddle

Hard Who Am I Riddle - 9 February

I am a normal creature, but I have five hands. I can even have more but even then I will be considered normal.

Who am I ?

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Logic Physics Riddle

Logic Physics Riddle - 8 February

Imagine that you have a box which have two cogwheels – one big with 24 teeth and one small with 8 teeth. The big one is firmly attached to the center of the box which means it does not turn or move while the small one rotates around the big one.

How many times do you think that the smaller wheel will turn compared to the box when it turns once around the big one?

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Infosys IQ Interview Question

Infosys IQ Interview Question - 7 February

You are frying fishes on a pan which can accommodate only 2 fishes at one time. It takes 5 minutes to fry one side of the fish.

What is the shortest time in which you can fry 3 fishes in the same pan ?

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UK Logical Picture Riddle

UK Logical Picture Riddle - 6 February

Can you identify the direction in which this bus is moving; left or right?

Hint: The bus is moving on the roads of UK.

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Tricky Maths Puzzle

Tricky Maths Puzzle - 5 February

A train leaves from point A for point B at 80 mph. After half an hour, another train leaves from point B for point A at 60 mph.

Which of the trains will be further from point A when they meet ?

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Math Deductive Reasoning Question

Math Deductive Reasoning Question - 4 February

Five students - Adam, Cabe, Justin, Michael and Vince appeared for a competitive exam. There were total five questions asked from them from which were multiple choice questions (a, b or c) and three were true/false questions. Their answers are given as follows:


Cabe c b True True False

Adam c c True True True

Justin a c False True True

Michael        b a True True False

Vince a b True False True

Also, no two students got the same number of correct answers. Can you tell the correct answer? Also, what are their individual score?

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Critical Thinking Question

Critical Thinking Question - 3 February

In a holy town, three temples sit in a row identical in almost every manner including a holy well in front of them. A pilgrim comes to visit the temples with some flowers in his basket.

At the first temple, he takes some water from the holy well and sprinkles it on the flowers to wash them. To his astonishment, the number of flowers in his basket doubles up. He offers a few of them at the temple and turns back to visit the second temple.

At the second temple, he again takes some water from the holy well and sprinkles it on the flowers to wash them. Again the number of flowers double up in number. He offers some of them at the temple and turns back to visit the third temple.

At third temple he repeats the process again and the number of flowers double up yet again. He offers all the flowers in the third temple.

Now, the pilgrim offered exactly the same number of flowers in all the temples. Can you find out the minimum number of flowers he must have had initially? How many flowers did he offer to god in each of the three temples ?

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Math Rebus

Math Rebus - 2 February

What does the below rebus maths means ?

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