Easy Maths Picture Problem

Easy Maths Picture Problem - 1 June

Which number should replace the question mark ?

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Amazing One Word Riddle

Amazing One Word Riddle - 31 May

Can anyone tell me a word in English dictionary which has a silent 'z'

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Text Rebus

Text Rebus - 30 May

What does this rebus text means ?


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Who Am I Poem Riddle

Who Am I Poem Riddle - 29 May

Simultaneously I go up, I go down.
I go up towards the beautiful sky and down toward the green ground.
I am present tense.
I am past tense too
Children loves me.

Who Am i ?

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Tricky Logic Question

Tricky Logic Question - 28 May

Edward James went for tiger hunting.
It was not his lucky day.

He got six tigers without heads, nine tigers without the tail and eight cut in two halves.

How many tiger did he hunted ?

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Logical Thinking Question

Logical Thinking Question - 27 May

Bruce is found dead in a bare field.
Nobody killed Bruce,
Bruce did not commit suicide.

Inspector Sheldon found a bag just few meters away from Bruce which could save his life.

What was in the bag ?

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Who Am I Puzzle

Who Am I Puzzle - 26 May

I can be made.
I can be cracked.
I can be told.
I can be played.

Who am i ?

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Who Am I Question

Who Am I Question - 25 May

My owner carried me into the dark room.
They set me on fire.
I wept a lot.
And finally my head was cut off.

Who am i ?

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Fun Word Puzzle

Fun Word Ruzzle - 24 May

Who is generally closer to the kids, mom or dad. ?
* its a funny riddle

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Old English Riddle

Old English Riddle - 23 May

There is word which is pronounced incorrectly even by best of scholars ?

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One Word Riddle

One Word Riddle - 22 May

There are five vowels (a, e, i, o, u) in English language.

Can you tell us a word contains of all these vowels ?

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Rebus Picture Question

Rebus Picture Question - 21 May

What does this rebus picture means ?

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Logical Number Series Riddle

Logical Number Series Riddle - 20 May

Solve this logical number series puzzle by replace question mark with the correct number
9090 = 4
1234 = 0
6055 = 2
9081 = 4
8888 = ?

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English Sentence Riddle

English Sentence Riddle - 19 May

By using 'because'continuously three times, can you make a English statement ?

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Nine Letter Word Riddle

Nine Letter Word Riddle - 18 May

I know a nine letter word having only one vowel.

Do you ?

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Math Equation Picture Problem

Math Equation Picture Problem - 17 May

Solve the mathematical equation in the picture below.

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Mystery Wrapped In A Riddle

Cabin In A Dense ForestMystery Wrapped In A Riddle - 16 May

There is so small cabin inside a deep forest.
All the forest burned out to worst possible but the inside of the cabin is still the same.
However all the person inside the cabin die.

How come ?

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Simple What Am I Riddle

What Am ISimple What Am I Riddle - 15 May

I am in the beginning of the earth.
I am at the end of the time.
I appear two times in a week.
I appear once in a year.

What Am I ?

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Tricky Logical Riddle

Tricky Logical Riddle - 14 May

In a town, there are over 100 flats.          
Flat-1 is named first flat.
Flat-2 is named second flat.
Flat-3 is named third flat.

A visitors 'Anmol' decides to walk through all the flats, he finds all the flats except flat-62.
Anmol later founds that the local of the town have given it another name.

What is the name of the Flat ?

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Rebus Problem For Kids

Rebus Problem For Kids - 13 May

What does this rebus picture problem means ?

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Short Fun Riddle

Short Fun Riddle - 12 May

Who can jump higher than the Mount Everest ?

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Tricky Maths Riddle

Tricky Maths Riddle - 11 May

I know a number which is spelled in an alphabetical order.
Do you ?

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Hard Number Sequence Riddle

Hard Number Sequence Riddle - 10 May

Find the next number in the sequence

5 12 24 36 ?

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Math Equation Riddle

Math Equation Riddle - 9 May

Find the mistake in the below maths equations

A = 2
A(A-1) = 2(A-1)
A2-A = 2A-2
A2-2A = A-2
A(A-2) = A-2
A = 1

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Hard Number Series Riddle

Hard Number Series Riddle - 8 May

Find the next number in the series

21 32 54 87 131 ?

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Rebus Photo Puzzle

Rebus Photo Puzzle - 7 May

What does this rebus photo means ?

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Question Mark Problem

Question Mark Problem - 6 May

Replace the question mark with the correct number

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Solve Maths Equation Problem

Solve Maths Equation Problem - 5 May

Find the value of a by solving the maths equation in the picture below

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Which Number Am I

Which Number Am I - 4 May

I am a prime number.
Double of myself is equal to the square if myself.

which number am i ?

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Tricky Math Problem

Tricky Math Problem - 3 May

1 dollar  = 100 cent
              = 10 cent x 10 cent
              = 1/10 dollar x 1/10 dollar
              = 1/100 dollar
              = 1 cent

=> 1 dollar = 1 cent

solve this tricky problem ?

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Probability Riddle

Probability Riddle - 2 May

what's the probability of getting a king or a queen from a pack of 52 cards ?

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