Logic Puzzle Problem

Logic Puzzle Problem - 1 April

Like an usual car, my new i10 car has 5 wheels(2 front + 2 Rear + 1 spare).
Rear wheel of car will wear out after 21000 kilometers and front wheel will wear out after 29000 kilometers.

What is the maximum distance i can cover assuming changing of wheels is not an issues ?

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Simple Maths Picture Problem

Simple Maths Picture Problem - 31 March

Replace the quetsion mark with the number in this simple maths problem ?

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Rebus For Kids

Rebus For Kids - 30 March

What does this rebus means ?

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Short Riddle

Short Riddle - 29 March

There is something which is always coming but never arrives ?

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Oracle Probability Interview Question

Oracle Probability Interview Question - 28 March

What is the probability of choosing the correct answer at random from the options below.

a) 1/4
b) 1/2
c) 1
d) 1/4

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rebus picture puzzle for kids

rebus picture puzzle for kids - 27 March

What does this rebus means ?

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Logical Interview Puzzle

Numbers 1-9 PuzzleLogical Interview Puzzle - 26 March

Can you divide numbers from 1 to 9 (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) into two groups so that sum of number of each group is equal.

Note : 9 cannot be turned over to make it 6.

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Logical Number Problem

MathsLogical Number Problem - 25 March

According to number theory of mathematics , a perfect number is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its positive divisors excluding the number itself.
For example :
6 => 1+2+3
28 =>1+2+4+7+14

I know one more number that is a perfect number and contains not more than 2 digits (i.e 496 won't be consider as it contains 3 digits).

Find the number ?

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Polaris Maths Aptitude Interview Question

Polaris Maths Aptitude Interview Question - 23 March

Find the next number in the series

12, 20, 40, 72, 116, 172 ?

* This question was asked in polaris

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kpit cummins Aptitude Interview Logic Question

Interview Cartoonkpit cummins Aptitude Interview Logic Question - 22 March

Product of three consecutive numbers are 7980.

Then the sum of these consecutive numbers would be ?

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Infogain Interview Aptitude Question

Infogain Interview Aptitude Question - 21 March

Magic land QuestionOn a magical land of Narnia , all the animal in the land are rational.

There are 10 tigers and one goat.
Tiger can eat goat but since its a magical land , the tiger who eats the goat , turns into goat and then can be eaten by the remaining tiger(s).

If we leave them for some time then how many goat and tiger will be there , when we come back ?

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LSI Aptitude Interview Question

LSI Aptitude Interview Question - 20 March

If 2 workers can complete painting 2 walls in exactly 2 hours.

How many workers would be needed to to paints 18 walls in 6 hours ?

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Hard Count The Number Of Triangles

Hard Count The Number Of Triangles - 19 March

Can you count the number of triangles in the picture below ?

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Intel Logic Aptitude Interview Question

Intel Logic Aptitude Interview Question - 18 March

Three brothers are identical triplets.
-: The oldest(my minutes) is Sanjay and he is so honest that he always tells the truth.
-: The next oldest is Anurag and he always lies.
-: The next and the youngest is Anmol and he sometimes lies and sometimes tells the truth.

Aditi, an old friend of the the brothers visited them after a long time and did not recognize them.
:- Aditi asked the brother that was sitting on the left, 'Which brother is in the middle of you three?' and the answer she received was, 'Oh, that's Sanjay.'
:- Aditi then asked the brother in the middle, 'What is your name?' The response given was, 'I am Anmol'
:- Aditi turned to the brother on the right, then asked, 'Who is that in the middle?' The brother then replied, 'He is Anurag.'

This confused Aditi; she had asked the same question three times and received three different answers.

Who was who ?

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Clock Puzzle

Clock Puzzle - 17 March

How many times in a given day , minutes and hour clock comes in a straight line ?

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Interesting Riddle To Ask

Interesting Riddle To Ask - 16 March

I met a girl, she knows that i am owner of an interesting puzzle website.
So when i asked her name she told me her name is the date '07/09/2001'.

I though for few seconds and then i got her name.

Do you ?

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Tricky Riddle Question

Tricky Riddle Question - 15 March

In a rainy season , one day 3 huge ladies walking under a normal sized umbrella.
The umbrella is not huge enough to accommodate all 3 ladies yet not a single lady got wet.

Why ?

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What Word Rebus Riddle

What Word Rebus Riddle - 14 March

What word does this rebus means ?


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What Am I Looking For

What Am I Looking For - 13 March

I am a ten letters word
The first four letters has power to rule,
Next four letter can be eaten.
Next three letter represents a lady.
I can fly as well

what am i looking for ?

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Infineon Logic Interview Question

Infineon Logic Interview Question - 12 March

I purchased a awesome ice cream cone having 5 different flavor scoop.
Five favors are pistachio, mint-chip, strawberry, marshmallow and raspberry

I will give u some clues so that you can figure out the order of flavors from bottom to top.
1. The bottom flavor of the cone has 10 letters.
2. The marshmallow scoop is at between pistachio and the mint-chip scoop.
3. marshmallow is above the raspberry scoop but below the mint-chip scoop.

So can you figure out the flavor of ice cream in order from bottom to top ?

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Tricky Riddle To Ask

Tricky Riddle To Ask - 10 March

Yesterday i fell from 30 feet high ladder but i dont get hurt.

Why ?

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Count The Triangles Puzzle

Count The Triangles Puzzle - 9 March

Can You count the number of triangles in the picture below

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Replace The Question Mark In The Picture

Replace The Question Mark In The Picture - 8 March

Replace The Question Mark in the picture with the correct number.

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what does this rebus represent

what does this rebus represent - 7 March

what does this rebus represent


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Number Equation Puzzle

Maths EquationNumber Equation Puzzle - 6 March

Solve the below equation by replacing each letter by different digit.

4 × (O N E) = T E N

Note: No letter can be replaced by number zero.

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Sachin Red Ferrari Number Riddle

Sachin Red Ferrari
Sachin Red Ferrari Number Riddle - 5 March

Sachin Tendulkar bough a red ferrari with a strange 5 digit numbered plate.The water image of the number is 78633 more than my car number.

All the digits of sachin's car number are distinct.

What is the original number on sachin's number plate?

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Tricky Maths Eqaution Problem

Maths EquationTricky Maths Eqaution Problem - 4 March

Can you solve this tricky maths equation problem by replacing ? mark with correct symbol ?

19834 -----: 187
15921 -----: 153
17561 -----: 137
13734 -----: ???

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Funny What Word Riddle

Funny What Word Riddle - 3 March

Which alphabet is a part of our body

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What Is Time Riddle

What Is Time Riddle - 2 March

I noticed that in my big wall clock , there is a time when the minute and hour clock are exactly between one and two.
Also i notice both hands lie on top of each other.

What is the time i am talking about ?

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