Popular What Word Puzzle

Popular What Word Puzzle - 28 February

I know a word which reads the same when written forward, backward or upside down.

Do you ?

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Maths Magic Puzzle

Maths Magic Puzzle - 27 February

A number can be multiplied by multiple of nine
i.e 9 18 27 36 45 ...

and the resulting number consist of only one digit.

Can you identify the number ?

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Rebus Word Question

Rebus Word Question - 26 February

What word is identified by the below rebus ?

Your Your Your Your Your
Your Your Your Your Your

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Logical Number Series

Maths Number SeriesLogical Number Series - 25 February

Find the next number in this series.

6 14 36 98 ?

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Riddle In Image

Riddle In Image - 24 February

Solve the riddle in the image ?

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Next Number In Pattern Puzzle

Next Number In Pattern Puzzle - 22 February

what is next number in pattern below

131 517 192 123 ?

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Tricky Logic Puzzle

Tricky Logic Puzzle - 21 February

 I have some blue and red sock in my drawer.    
I have total of 4 socks.
I pick 2 socks and chances that i get pair of red socks is 1/2.

What is the chance of picking a pair of blue socks ?

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Simple Logic Riddle

Beautifull Apple TreeSimple Logic Riddle - 20 February

I have a apple tree , number of apple in this tree get doubles every week.  
On 30th week , the tree gets completely filled with apples :-)

Can you tell me , on what week does my tree is half covered with apples ?

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Rebus Text Puzzle

Rebus Text PuzzleRebus Text Puzzle - 19 February

What does this below rebus means ?                    


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Logical Valentine Day Lucky Problem

Lucky Me on Valentine DayLogical Valentine Day Lucky Problem - 18 February

Katrina, kareena, Priyanka and Deepika visited me on the valentine's Eve.

The time of each visit is mentioned below:
A) Katrina at 8:00
B) kareena at 9:00
C) Priyanka at 10:00
D) Deepika at 11:00
*Each time mentioned above may be either AM or PM.

Also below statements hold true:
A) Priyanka did not visit me between kareena and Deepika.
B) At least one female visited me between Katrina and kareena.
C) Katrina did not visit me before both Priyanka and Deepika.

Can you tell at what time did they individually visit me ?

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Maths Picture Equation Puzzle

Maths Picture Equation Puzzle - 17 February

Can you solve this picture maths equation

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Next Number In The Sequence Riddle

Next Number In The Sequence Riddle - 16 February

Find The Next Number In The Sequence                

30 10 15 13 0 16 -15 ?

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Easiest What Am I Science Riddle

Science ManEasiest What Am I Science Riddle - 15 February

Identify Me ?                          

Hint1: I am a god
Hint2: I am a planet
Hint3: measurer of heat.

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Valentines Day Funny Questions

Valentines Day Funny Questions - 14 February

1. Where does Easter comes before Valentine’s Day ?
2. Do you know what is in the middle of Valentine ?
3. What did the lady bee say to the man bee on the occasion of Valentine Day

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Michael Phelps Maths Problem

Michael Phelps Maths Problem - 13 February

Michael Phelps , the famous swimmer can swim downstream in a lake in exact 40 minutes (with the lake current helping time).
He can swim upstream in a lake in exact 60 minutes (against the lake current).
The length of lake is 2 kilometers.

How long Michael Phelps can cover distance of one side at a still lake (no current).

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New Rebus Riddle - 12 February

What text does this rebus means ?


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Logical Clock Problem

Palindrome in a digital clock 12:12Logical Clock Problem - 11 February

Time in a digital clock can be palindromic like 01:10 (same when read forwards or backwards).

Whats the minimum interval between 2 times that are palindromic ?

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Short Humor Riddle

Short Humor Riddle - 10 February

What has a ring but no finger ?

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Count The Number Of Lines Riddle

Count The Number Of Lines Riddle - 9 February

Can you count the number of lines in the riddle

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Trick Maths Riddle

cut the cloth RiddleTrick Maths Riddle - 8 February

I have a role of cloth 1km long.
I have a machine which cuts this role into pieces of 10 meter long cloth.

How long would it take for the machine to cut the roll if each cut took 4 secs ?

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Maths Percentage Riddle

Maths Percentage Riddle - 7 February

I guess 76.8% readers will like this riddle.

What's the least number of people should read this post ?

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Hard Find The Odd One Out Problem

Find The Odd One OutHard Find The Odd One Out Problem - 6 February

Find the Odd One Out ?

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Solve The Rebus Puzzle

Solve The Rebus Puzzle - 5 February

Can you solve the rebus below ?

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Replace The Question Mark Below With Correct Number

Replace The Question Mark Below With Correct NumberReplace The Question Mark Below With Correct Number - 4 February

Replace The Question Mark Below With Correct Number ?

2 {38} 3
4 {1524} 5
6 {3548} 7
8 {????} 9

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Decode The Picture Puzzle

Decode The Picture Puzzle - 2 February

Can you decode this picture and tell me what it says ?

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